世界開発協力機構(WSD)総裁、G20インター・フェース・フォーラム パトロン

世界開発協力機構(WSD)総裁、G20インター・フェース・フォーラム パトロン
Haruhisa Handa (Japan)
Chairman, Worldwide Support for Development (WSD)、Patron, G20 Interfaith Forum
世界開発協力機構(WSD)総裁。在福岡カンボジア王国名誉領事。カンボジア大学共同設立者で総長、教授(国際政治)。東南アジアテレビ局の設立者、解説委員長(Southeast Asia Television 略称:SEA TV)。東南アジアラジオ局も設立。清華大学美術学院美術学学科博士課程修了(美術)、文学博士(Ph.D)。浙江大学大学院中文学部博士課程修了(歴史)、文学博士(Ph.D)。西オーストラリア州立エディスコーエン大学芸術学部大学院にて、創造芸術学修士(MA)取得、(オペラ演技中心)。日本では、同志社大学経済学部卒(国際金融)。武蔵野音楽大学特修課声楽専攻卒業。浙江工商大学日本文化研究所教授。また、有明教育芸術短期大学教授などを歴任。その他、英国、中国の大学で客員教授として教鞭をとる。
アジア・エコノミックフォーラム創立者会長。パシフィックフォーラムCSIS理事。公益財団法人日本国際フォーラム理事。公益財団法人日印協会理事。公益財団法人協和協会理事長。スタンフォード大学WSDハンダセンター総裁。インターナショナル・シントウ・ファウンデーション(ISF)(国連広報局/経済社会理事会(ECOSOC)認可NGO)創立者会長。Parliament of the World’s Religions(世界宗教議会)名誉国際顧問。ワールド・フェース・デベロップメント・ダイアローグ(WFDD)理事。IFAPA(アフリカの平和のための宗教間行動)理事。また、宗際化組織Religions for Peace InternationalのInternational Trustee(国際理事)、Patron。公益社団法人日本紅卍字会名誉会長兼理事。宗教法人ワールドメイト代表役員。
カンボジアのプノンペンに病院を共同設立し、23年間で130万人に無料診療を行う。また、ワールドメイト未来の光孤児院を運営し、20年間サポートす。その後、カンボジアのバッタンバンに、無料診療のエマージェンシー病院(これまでに、4万5千人の地雷・交通事故被害者に無料診療を施した、無料外科病院)と、ハンダ・アカデミー(貧困や孤児、家庭に問題ある子どもたちに、教育と職業訓練を行う)を設立。その他の、慈善プログラムとしてハンダ・メディカルセンター、ハンダ・モデルファーム、ISPSハンダ・スポーツセンターなどの運営のため、2012年にハンダ・ファウンデーションを設立。その長期で、多岐にわたる功績を称え、カンボジアで4つの最高勲章が授与された。中国の辺境地区に、「春蕾小学校」130校を建設。さらに、教育が受けられない、優秀な少数部族の少女を北京に呼び、高校と大学まで進学させた。その数は100人を超える。これらに対し、中国国家より「中国児童慈善家」として表彰される。アルバニアでは、最貧地域のブトリントに小学校、ジロカストロ市に職業訓練学校を寄贈。また、8つの村をケアする病院を修復し、再建する。これらが感謝され、ジロカストロ市の名誉市民となる。南アフリカでは、ネルソン・マンデラ小児病院の建設を支援するため、「ザ・ネルソン・マンデラ チャンピオンシップ presented by ISPS HANDA」をスポンサーし、「ネルソン・マンデラ・チルドレンズ・ファンド」を支援する。また、南アフリカのレソト王国では、恵まれない子供たちに、医療とエイズ教育を進めるため、セーイソ王子と英国のヘンリー王子が進める、サンタバリーを支援している。
障がい者スポーツやスポーツ振興の支援も、国境や人種や宗教を越えた、社会や人々を良くする神の実践だとし、積極的に行う。世界ブラインドゴルフ協会(IBGA)総裁。NPO法人 日本ブラインドゴルフ振興協会(JBGA)創設者兼名誉会長。The LEGENDS Tour(米国女子シニアゴルフ協会)会長。ゴルフ・オーストラリア総裁、及びISPS HANDA PGAツアー・オブ・オーストラレイジア総裁。国際スポーツ振興協会(ISPS)会長。ディサビリティ・ヨーロピアンツアー名誉アンバサダー。ヴァチカン文化評議会が主導する、「Sport at the Service of Humanity(SSH)」のGlobal Patron。ウイリアム王子が主導する、野生生物保護活動を行う慈善団体「タスク」の、アンバサダーでGlobal Patron。
また、ビジネスマンとしても知られる。活動は多岐にわたる。スイスの高級時計メーカー・ヤーマン&ストゥービ会長。ヤーマン&ストゥービを含む、12の時計ブランドの総輸入元であり、国内の6大都市にHANDA Watch Worldを運営する、株式会社ミスズの社長。また、42年続く予備校、「みすず学苑」の創立者で学苑長。国内外で十数社を経営し、実践派経営コンサルタントとして、多くのシンポジウムや講演会を主催している。それは、古くからの日本型ビジネスが、客よし、会社よし、地域よしのフィロソフィーだからである。この、宗教性のある日本型経営のフィロソフィーを、実際の経営で実践して成功している。これらの講演や相談で、多くの悩めるビジネスマンや経営者を救っている。著作は、ビジネス書や文芸書を含め、290冊を越える。CDは111本、DVDは36本、書画は3285点。テレビやラジオの、外交コメンテーターとしても知られる。「現代のルネッサンスマン」と呼ばれ、英国のさる高名な方が、「相撲以外は何でもできる日本人」と、人々に紹介した。しかし、本人は、「明るく楽しく面白い日本人」でいいと思っている。
Click here for a long profile
Dr. Handa is Chairman, Worldwide Support for Development (WSD). He is Hon-orary Consul of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Fukuoka, Japan, Co-founder, Chan-cellor and Professor of international politics at the University of Cambodia. Founder and Senior International Commentator for Southeast Asia Television (SEA TV). Founder of Southeast Asia Radio Station. Ph.D. from Tsinghua University and from Zhejiang University. He holds a Master’s degree (M.A.) in creative arts (opera performances) from Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts Edith Cowan University. He Graduated in Japan from Doshisha University, with a degree in economics (BA), and completed a Master Class in vocal music at Musashino Aca-demia Musicae. Dr Handa is also Professor at the Institute for Japanese Culture Studies at Zhejiang Gongshang University, China and professor of vocal music at Ariake College of Education and the Arts, Japan, and others. He lectures at universi-ties in the U.K. and China as visiting professor.
Founder and Chairman of Asia Economic Forum. Director of Pacific Forum CSIS. Director of the Japan Forum on International Relations. Director of Japan-India Association. President of Kyowa Foundation. Patron of WSD Handa Center at Stanford University
Founder and President of the International Shinto Foundation (UNDPI, United Nations Department of Public Information and ECOSOC, Economic and Social Council). Honorary International Advisor to the Parliament of the World’s Reli-
gions. Director of World Faiths Development Dialogue(WFDD). Director of the Interfaith Action for Peace in Africa. He is one of the International Trustees of Religions for Peace USA, a US-based interfaith organization. Honorary Chairman and Director of Japan Red Swastika Society. Representative of World Mate, a religious corporation.
Dr. Handa is the co-founder of a hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia which has provided free medical care for 1,300,000 patients in the past 23 years. (He estab-lished and has been running Future Light Orphanage of World Mate in Phnom Penh for over 20 years.) He later founded World Mate Emergency Hospital which has treated 45,000 mine and traffic accident victims free of charge. He also founded the HANDA ACADEMY to educate and offer vocational training to underprivi-leged children in Battambang. In recognition of the longstanding and multi-disciplinarian contributions, he has been bestowed with four of the highest honours in Cambodia
Dr. Handa has constructed 130 Toshu Shunrai (Spring Bud) Elementary Schools in the poorest region of China. He has also become a benefactor to more than 100 high performing girls from minority tribes in isolated districts in China, inviting them to Beijing and supporting them to continue their studies at high schools and universities. He has been accredited as “Chinese Philanthropist for Children” by the Chinese government. In Albania, he built the first modern school in Butrint, one of Albania’s poorest regions and funded the construction of the nation’s first voca-tional training center. He has also supported the repair and reconstruction of a hos-pital which was offering medical care for people from eight villages. In recognition of these contributions, he was appointed Honorary Citizen of the Albanian city of Gjirokaster. In South Africa, he has sponsored “The Nelson Mandela Champion-ship presented by ISPS HANDA” and supported “Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund”. In the Kingdom of Lesotho, he supports Sentebale, a charity co-founded by Lesotho’s Prince Seeiso and the U.K’s, Prince Harry, HRH the Duke of Sussex, to enhance medical care and AIDS education for underprivileged children.
Dr. Handa is an Honorary Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit awarded by the New Zealand government. He is a recipient of the Development Medal from the government of Laos. Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from the Julliard School, NY. Honorary Fellow of the University of Oxford and University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Other Honorary Doctor-ates from six universities including Edinburgh University.
If you’re not yet feeling bad about your resumé, Handa is a champion of disablity sports as well as the promotion of sport in a variety of fields and manners. He con-siders sport to be a divine instrument, gifted to improve societies and people and which can surmount national, racial and religious barriers. He is President of the International Blind Golf Association (IBGA), Founder and Honorary Chairman of the Japan Blind Golf Association (JBGA), Chairman of the LEGENDS Tour. Patron and International Ambassador of Golf Australia. He is also Chairman of International Sports Promotion Society (ISPS). Honorary Ambassador for Golfers with Disability Programme of the European Tour. Global Patron of Sport at the Service of Humanity (SSH), a foundation inspired by the vision of Vatican’s Pontifi-cal Council for Culture, and Ambassador and Global Patron of Tusk, a charity under the patronage of HRH The Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, which works to protect wildlife.
He is a celebrated artist, Dr. Handa is a First Grade National Opera Singer accred-ited by the National Opera & Dance Drama Company. First Grade National Master of Fine Arts accredited by the Chinese Academy of Arts. Second Grade National Peking Opera Actor accredited by the Beijing Peking Opera Company. He is Noh performer at the Hosho Noh School, and Member of The Nohgaku Performers’ Association. He is known as the organizer and protagonist of Sphinx Takigi Noh (Noh by firelight) at Giza, Egypt and at Angkor Wat, Cambodia. After 50 years of training, he is also a Tea Ceremony Master, Flower Arrangement Master, Noh Master and a professor of Calligraphy. He is Chairman of the International Foun-dation for Arts and Culture (IFAC) and Tokyo Arts Foundation (TAF), Patron-in-chief of Opera Australia and Founding sponsor of Handa Opera on Sydney Har-rbour. Handa is also known as an opera and jazz singer. He excels in the professional practice of traditional arts, fine arts, literary arts, the performing arts, as well as music. His wide-ranging interests stem from the philosophy that not only sports and we-lfare, but arts and culture are executions of a divine intention that work beyond national, racial and religious barriers.
He is also a renowned businessman in a variety of fields. President of Jaermann & Stübi. Sole distributor of 12 brands including Jaermann & Stübi , and president of Misuzu Corporation, running its company store “HANDA Watch World” in six cities across the nation. He is Founder and Principal of cram school “Misuzu Gakuen”, in operation for 42 years. He runs more than a dozen companies both in Japan and overseas. As a management consultant, he has organized numerous sym-posiums and conferences. His business activities are based on the traditional Japa-nese management philosophy that the customer, company and community should all benefit from a business. He has placed this Japanese management philosophy into practice in his actual business operations for 42 years and succeeded, so as to specifi-cally encourage suffering entrepreneurs and small business owners, while finding ways to overcome the difficulties they face. He is the author of over 290 publica-tions including collections of poems and paintings and literary books. He has released 111 CDs, 36 DVDs and created 3,285 calligraphic and painting works, and is commentator on diplomatic issues and businesses on television and radio. In short, Haruhisa Handa has been described as a “Modern Renaissance Man”. Or, as one distinguished British host one labelled him: “A Japanese man who does every-thing but sumo wrestling,” but Dr Handa’s motto is to merely to be always “the funny, joyful and spiffing Japanese”